CAN Understand
We seek to understand more about how neurodevelopmental, cognitive and mental health conditions develop and change, and the mechanisms behind why therapies and interventions work. Our current work in this area includes collaborations with clinics and research instititions across NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

This trial is currently recruiting
Exploring early life markers to predict social development in Cerebral Palsy
A high proportion of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) show significant social challenges. Around 30% of children with CP are also diagnosed with autism. However, no previous research has identified ways to systematically identify and track social development challenges in this population.
An overview of treatment provided to children and adolescents with ADHD in Australia
In 2019, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affected an estimated 281,200 Australian children and adolescents (4.2%). We are reviewing the treatment provided to children with ADHD to assess the extent it adheres to national guidelines.